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Understanding Mental Health

Let us first understand mental illness does not discriminate.


Occasional grief, stress, and sadness are normal. But when when patterns or changes in thinking, feeling or behaving causes distress or disrupt one's ability to function can suggest help is needed. 


Nearly 20% of U.S. adults experience a mental illness each year, regardless of race, ethnicity or neighborhood. Mental health affects all neighborhoods. Providing accessible resources, effective self-help tools and professional services for all people requires acknowledging and understanding their different lived realities. 


Almost 1 in 5 adults in the USA will experience some form of mental health disorder every year, and 1 in every 22 is living with a serious mental illness, like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depressive episodes. Many live in silence. Like addiction or a physical illness, mental health disorders are treatable.


Stigma and judgement exists around mental illness causing many to suffer in silence. BeeThe1ToHelpSomeone is running the race to raise awareness to #StingOutStigma (SOS) in all neighborhoods. Scholarships are offered to empower and strengthen neighborhoods with certified Mental Health First Aiders.


Our educational information and self-care resources encourage and inspire hope in the journey to recovery. 


Running the race for a culture of mental health awareness.


Fiscal Partner Sock It! 

501c3 Human Services 



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