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Mental Health Is Health
Mental Health Is Health

2024 MHFA Youth & Adult Courses TBA

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2024 Focus: Youth Mental Health


Nation-wide virtual training classes TBA


√ Adult Class - 12/19/23  - Full  √

"BeeThere" To Help A Classmate!


We're Big On Mental Health
Awareness In Neighborhoods

Welcome to BeeThe1ToHelpSomeone’s campaign, a unique initiative aimed at raising awareness and preventing suicide. Our message call for individuals to take responsibility for mental health and be the first to support someone who is struggling emotionally. We provide a range of accessible resources for individuals seeking help, from counseling referral service to Mental Health First Aid training.

We all have a vital role to erase the stigmas attached to mental illnesses.

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Mental Illness Does Not Discriminate

It is important to recognize that occasional experiences of grief, stress, and sadness are a normal part of life. However, when these patterns or changes in thinking, feeling, or behavior become distressing and interfere with one's ability to function, it may indicate the need for help. Mental health conditions can affect anyone, regardless of age, income, race, or gender. They encompass a wide range of illnesses, including anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, and many others. Among these, depression and anxiety are the most common, impacting millions of Americans. It is crucial to understand that there is no single cause for mental illness; rather, a combination of factors such as genetics, environment, lifestyle, and life events can contribute to their development. To learn more about common signs and symptoms. *Click here for common signs and symptoms.


You know "the people in your neighborhood."


Everyone has a role to play to raise mental health awareness in their neighborhood. The "neighborhood-based approach" promotes Mental Health First Aid training and certification to educate and help individuals recognize the signs.  BeeThe1ToHelpSomeone offers information for accessible self-help resources, evidence based Mental Health apps and culture sensitivprofessional treatment options for mentally healthier lives.


You know the people in your unique neighborhood!

BeeThe1To #StingStigma

Mental Health First Aid is a proven and evidence-based educational tool that plays a crucial role in enhancing public knowledge about mental health. This comprehensive course equips individuals with the skills to identify signs of mental health issues and effectively support someone in crisis until professional help can be accessed or the crisis is resolved. At BeeThe1ToHelpSomeone, we prioritize a culture-sensitive approach to mental health support. Our "neighborhood-based approach" ensures that we provide resources that are sensitive to diverse communities, recognizing the impact of social determinants of health on individuals' well-being. By fostering culturally competent healthcare providers, we strive to improve diagnosis and outcomes, ultimately promoting care and recovery for all.

 "There is no health without mental health."

Man in White Shirt
Girl in Classroom
Man with Black Frame Glasses
Fashion Photography
Senior Woman
Girl in Sari Smiling

We're Here For You

We wholeheartedly promote a culture of mental health awareness to eliminate the stigma, judgment, and shame associated with mental illnesses. We believe that everyone deserves access to affordable and readily available mental health care. Our team of trained and certified Mental Health First Aiders, who are also Resources Specialists, are dedicated to providing assistance to individuals experiencing mental health crises. They play a vital role in various settings such as schools, dormitories, workplaces, communities of faith, and homes. We are committed to working to initiate conversations and challenge stigmas surrounding mental health. Let's join forces and #StingTheStigmas.

Supportive Friend

The Race Continues...

6th Annual 5k

Neighborhood Awareness

Neighborhood Participants 

"To the world you may be
one person, but to one person
you may be their world."
Everyone has an amazing role to play to raise mental health awareness.

Thank you for supporting

what you believe in. We appreciate you!


Running the race for a culture of mental health awareness.


Fiscal Partner Sock It! 

501c3 Human Services 



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